What's Happening...

Monday, December 31, 2007

Beastmaster vs. Survival

I was talking to one of my hunter friends last night, about why we play the class, and what spec we like best.

His story was that he'd tried some of the other classes, and when he rolled on our pvp server, he decided to try a dwarf hunter. He liked the dwarf race, and hunter seemed like a good thing to try. And now, 2+ years later, he's still a dwarf hunter, and loving it.

The conversation turned towards spec. Now, I'm pretty adamant about being a beast master, simply because I feel like, for me, it's the "true" hunter spec. It focuses on the pet, and really speaks to my play style. I don't mind what other hunters do, though I do recommend BM for newbie hunters, since it makes leveling so easy, but I wanted to know what spec my friend really liked, and why. For him, survival is where it's at. While I love the pet aspect of being a hunter, he's all about the traps. Even though survival may not be the highest dps output spec, he said he really enjoys it, and wouldn't want to play any other way.

We were both happy to admit that we spec the way we do because we like the way it plays, regardless of what Blizzard has done *this patch* to change those specs. Not that we won't discuss those changes in detail however, and try to find the best possible way to get the most out of our specs to back up our claims of their greatness! :)

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Why Hunter?

Why play a hunter? For me the answer is, why not?

Rolling my first wow character, I was new to the online community experience, and I didn't really know anyone else who would be playing, so I needed a character I could solo.

Of the races, I was most drawn to the night elves. I had played them almost exclusively in Warcraft, and liked the lore and of course the priestesses on their cat mounts. I didn't want to be human...that didn't seem like much imagination to me. Dwarfs were cool, gnomes were cute.

Of the classes, rogue, hunter, druid and maybe warlock seemed the most solo-able to me. Priest and warrior were out, they seemed like they'd be too group dependent, and possibly hard for a newbie to level. Mage and paladin were just sort of ok.

I decided I was most interested in the pet class option, and picked Night Elf because it was the race I knew the most about. (Ok, and they were pretty and tall)

So, in beta I played a Night Elf hunter and completely fell in love. This was my game, this was my class, this was home.

When the servers went live I rolled a dwarf hunter on an RP server, just for the fun of it. Had it not been for the constant 14-year-old "lol RP is stupid" in general chat, and the surly drunken male dwarfs trying to "RP" with me, I might have lasted longer.

Next I re-rolled a Night Elf Hunter on a PvE server, joined a guild and began my journey to 60. It took me a long time. Not because it was hard, but because I soloed most of the time, and I enjoyed the trip. I was in no real hurry.

Now this was back when hunters were a dime a dozen, and certainly weren't cool. But I loved it. I didn't get into instance groups very often, but I didn't care, I was having my adventure.

After I was 60 for a while, I re-rolled again on a PvP server. I had a guild, a raid...and a warrior. I missed my hunter. I tried other alts, I still missed my hunter.

When Burning Crusade launched, I rolled a Draenei Hunter and leveled her to 70 on my PvP server. I still have many other characters, that I play and enjoy, but I finally have my hunter again and if I ever had to start over, a hunter would be my choice. With my cat at my side, I roam the zones of World of Warcraft. I may have a different look, I may have detoured along the way, but in my soul I am Feather, and I'm a hunter.